Therapy in Israel
Male Therapist, Female Client: A Torah Perspective
The greatest rabbis of today say it’s forbidden for a woman to see a male therapist or a man to see a female therapist, says Dr. Michael Bunzel, head of Psychiatry at Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center. In the past, rabbis applied the ‘doctor’s heter’ [heter-miktzoah] to inter-gender therapy, i.e. that it’s permissible to see a doctor of the opposite gender…
Read MoreAnnouncing: First Conference of the Charedi Therapists Organization
With the an increasing number of therapists working in the charedi community, the issue of professionalism has come to the fore in recent years. Especially the issue of lack of professionalism. That’s why I was interested to learn about a new organization for charedi therapists called (rather obviously) the Charedi Therapists Organization (איגוד המטפלים החרדי).…
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